Qureshi for educating diplomats in post-corona world

By Minahil Makhdoom

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Thursday said in view of the rapidly changing world amid coronavirus pandemic, there was a need to provide best training to the country’s diplomats to enable them effectively defend the national interests at global platform.
The Foreign Minister expressed these views during his visit to New Foreign Service Academy, which has been shifted to the old Chinese embassy building. Qureshi said the up-to-date training of diplomats required getting them acquainted with the elements of traditional diplomacy as well as economic and cultural diplomacy. In this regard, necessary steps are being taken to introduce changes in the current syllabus and faculty, he added.
The Foreign Minister expressed gratitude to the Chinese embassy in Islamabad for gifting the building after renovation for the training of Pakistan’s young diplomats.
Qureshi took a round of the academy and saw its different sections including library, study area, residential area, hostels and sports grounds.
Director General Foreign Service Academy Nadeem Riaz gave a briefing to the Foreign Minister about the institution.