Rash driving on Motorway won’t go unpunished, says IG

ISLAMABAD: National Highway and Motorway Police (NHMP) have tightened security measures to prevent accidents on the motorway. Inspector General (IG) NHMP Khalid Mahmood recently released a public service message via NHMP’s Twitter account to shed some light on the issue.
Citing World Health Organization’s (WHO) findings, he stated that high-speed car crashes are responsible for numerous deaths and tragedies. Mahmood added that NHMP will now undertake the following measures to prevent further damage:
NHMP will place spotters throughout various points on the motorway. These spotters will use high-resolution cameras to capture the photos and footage of the offenders and issue them a warning through a variable sign message (VSM) system or intimate the patrolling officers about their offenses for a suitable treatment.
NHMP will use VSM, which will be displayed on the rear windshields of patrol cars. VSM will signal the rash drivers by displaying their registration number, current speed (or any other offense), and instructions to rectify the issue.
IG added that some cars have gotten their VSM displays while others will get theirs soon. The department will equip all patrol cars with VSM technology.
NHMP will chase and cease rash drivers on the motorway. Forcefully ceased vehicle owners will have to pay hefty fines. IG added that law offenders will not be allowed to exit motorways unless they pay their fines.
He added that NHMP will position officers on all motorway exits, so as to not let the lawbreakers get away with their crimes.
NHMP has introduced a point system for license holders. The department has data against 8 million licenses under its point system.
Through it, NHMP will keep a point record against fines from all provinces. If a driver crosses a certain limit of points, NHMP will cancel his or her license. IG also highlighted that the department has introduced a new ticketing system to streamline its operations.
He concluded that NHMP is imposing these measures for public safety and hoped that people will comply with the department. –Agencies