Regional security during COVID-19 pandemic

DM Monitoring

Yerevan: The situation in the world is becoming more and more turbulent by the end of the year. News feeds are filled with such news that the pandemic problems are forced onto the back burner. For example, the recent events in Nagorno-Karabakh stirred up the public, not only by the fact that there was a war there, but also by the words of experts that in connection with the instability in the region, terrorist attacks are possible. In addition, concerns are also possible due to the unstable socio-political situation in the country.
Thus, during a recent meeting of Sadyr Zhaparov with representatives of the media, Azerbaijani Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic Gidayat Orudzhev, announced possible terrorist attacks in the country during the transition period.
The fight against extremism is now being conducted in various ways. Law enforcement agencies have learned to identify hidden cells, recruiters, and prevent threats to national security.
However, a collective approach is needed here, for example, of all the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries, the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) and other interested parties.
In this regard, the expert community discussed security issues during the conference “Challenges and threats to the security of Kyrgyzstan: the role of the Kyrgyz Republic in ensuring regional security in the context of interaction with the CSTO, SCO and CIS”, which was organized by the Pikir club of regional experts.
Experts believe that instability is heading towards Central Asia. Thus, during the conference, expert Mars Sariev shared his opinion that now it is necessary to do a thorough analysis regarding the South Caucasus.
“From my point of view, Central Asia’s turn has already come. Just yesterday I have learned that Western officials have removed the radical movement from the blacklists. Uyghur separatism is strong.
Right now, within the framework of ISIS, they represent the command staff and the composition of the special forces. Over the past 5 years, they have been patronized by foreign special services. They are highly equipped and highly motivated. We are turning into a kind of branch of the Middle East. We should understood that there are divisions everywhere.
We must carefully analyze the changed situation in the South Caucasus. I’m not entirely sure that in this positional struggle Russia wins in the South Caucasus. Eventually, the South Caucasus is becoming more a non-Russian zone of influence. Therefore, everything is moving towards Central Asia. We are now in a large geopolitical project,” the expert said.