Regular operations start at PIC

From Abid Usman
LAHORE: Chief Minister Punjab, Sardar Usman Buzdar in a press briefing said that the Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC) has been restored and will start regular operations from Friday night.
PIC came under attack due to a violent clash that erupted between hundreds of lawyers and doctors on Wednesday that left at least four people injured when the charged lawyers stormed into
the Punjab Institute of Cardiology and broke windows of the emergency ward and several vehicles parked nearby. The Chief Minister said that all the damages incurred upon the healthcare institute have been verified by an observational committee and their recommendations on the restoration efforts will be taken under consideration and implemented.
CM Usman Buzdar further revealed that investigations are underway to deduce the origins of the attack and to affirm whether the brawl was due to infighting of the doctors and lawyers or has other nefarious motives with hidden players pulling the strings. “We are investigating and verifying if the attack was meant to disrupt the present provincial government, Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are being determined to avoid such unfortunate incident in the future,” said Usman Buzdar. The attack over the hospital left at least seven patients dead, the young doctors had claimed, while Punjab’s Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid had confirmed only three deaths.