Reopening of educational institutions needs suitable timings

By Menahill Rashid

Now how to face & fight? when there are two certain parallel problems of coronavirus pandemic as well as intensive heat wave for the students in their Institutions!
Parents have demanded a prompt comprehensive policy with scholars’ consultancy should be given immediately. Public expressed, If you adopt SOPs but you with it also need, how to conduct safety measures to save the students from the sun rays intensity? This time, there are two major types of challenges( coronavirus pandemic+ heat wave) for the Government to save, secure & satisfy the triangle of the students, parents and teachers.
We here cannot ignore, there is also a sub-major problem of electricity break often observed in remote areas especially. Education, social and legal scholars might be consulted to find out appropriate prompt policy to resolve the coming problems as early as possible to accelrate educational phenomenon for the students of all categories.
It is the need of time, never spare the services and advices of the assembly members when they have scholarly experience & knowledge. We, students are steering all such scholars that are present in our assemblies to resolve their issues without any more delay (Students). They said that, Students needed all facilities necessary with the changing situations to ascertain their shortfall in learning process.
They said adding that, students for themselves now have approved a strategy regarding the school timings after re-opening of the schools during the summer vacations time scale. They said “Early come, Early go” to save them from the sun rays intensity.
From the last week of May to 14th August schools used to remain close as per previous schedules for the purpose of summer season. Due to unbearable heat rays, students especially the children cannot bear this heat wave.
The situations of the intensity of heat waves are same during this vacations interval now, but school will remain open due to the education loses caused because of coronavirus pandemic across the country. Parents have stressed that, Government will have to frame a comprehensive methodology to save their students from this heat wave along with Coronavirus Pandemic.
Considering all aspects with its side effects, we will have to concentrate over, how the wheel of imparting the education comprehensively may be kept continuing? Parents said adding that, day by day intensity of sun heat is going up, and the students who used to avail summer vacations in June, July & August because of unbearable heat, now students have been focused to learn and prepare their lessons for scheduled exams.
Summer vacations have been also a part and parcel of the students after observing the temperature scale but now they will go through under the umbrella of certain fearing circumstances adding summer season. If coronavirus pandemic has affects on the health of students, same way, scaled up temperature has also adverse effects on the brain and body of the students, they said. Students as well as teachers both are facing unbearable scaling up temperature.
Although the Government is serious to fulfill and complete the education shortcomings caused due to closure of the Institutions under the coronavirus pandemic but the school timings should be appropriate in connection of seasonal situations in every district for the students. An appropriate time frame is needed in summer season for the students. It will be more appropriate to adjust accurate school timings, it will be better to start the schools from 6.00 am to 10.00 am without any break ( four hour)
This way will save the students as well as their dear teachers from heat wave or unbearable circumstances. E- transfer Policy should be re-evaluated, because the teachers should be obliged to their nearest school instead many Km off distance. There are education Institutions near to the near other, but students have the tendency to move towards the schools of city areas and the enrollment of rural area schools decreases day by day. There is dire need of sorting out the realities, why the enrollment as well as results in village schools de-scale?
If a head teacher desires to implement all resources under the rules, there are certain groups in schools that like to move the head teachers with their own whims and wishes
Even a head teacher is black mailed, because higher Authorities may also become successful to support the honest head teachers because certain such teachers whether have their own resources to press the head teachers.
All teachers are the true pictures of unity, faith and discipline and they are bound to care this schema in the environment of the schools to leave a good lesson for the students always (Parents)
This time in summer season, school timings is the major and concentrative issue to be considered with insight phenomenon. All the district heads, like the past traditions will have to perform and accelerate their Patriotic lines following the Quied-e-Azam, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Fatima Jinnah, Liaqat Ali Khan, Ch. Rehmat Ali , Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and other like, because they adopted the bright lines of the holy Prophet and Khulfa-a-Rashdeen to create orderliness in the societies.
Further, there should not be any electricity break during school timings.
Education Institutions should be facilitated by Installation of water coolers with special grants to each and every Institution. Every student should be bound to take his drinking water facilitate with him so far as the water coolers facility is not made possible. In case of no break/interval, allow the students to take their refreshment with them.
All CEOs, DEOs, Dy. DEOs and AEOs will have to come forward to ensure equal opportunities in rural and urban area education Institutions, so that the tendency to urban mobility may decrease. Our primary and elementary school level is significant because at this level we can maximize their physical and mental health training. We can provide them specific directions of moral development training.
When the students of initial classes are not focused parentally, they cannot show expected results in the development of the society, teachers said. Independence means the permission of doing works under certain limitations, but beyond the limits no independence is accepted in the socialized societies.
Taking the law in one’s hand is not the picture of a human society, but it shows a forest life, and only the responsible teachers can change and create positive reinforcement in the societies.
People say, they may have liberty, but the aimless liberty is a dangerous condition for the societies. Overall, we will have to follow the Ideology of Pakistan to emerge new Pakistan, because this Ideology covers all societal phenomenon to resolve all the issues immediately with the changing of whatsoever circumstances. This all revolves around the responsibilities of the good teacher.