Report highlights ways for Pakistan-China dialogue

BEIJING: The ongoing process of dialogue between Pakistan-China, why and how could be carried forward was highlighted in a report published by the Center for Global & Strategic Studies.
According to details, the report was a review of a group discussion themed “Dialogue of Civilizations” jointly organized by a research center and the Communication University China (CUC).
The necessity and route of civilization dialogue, especially that between Pakistan and China were focused during the discussion.
According to the report, in today’s globalised world where multi-polarity, cultural diversity, economic globalization, and integration is becoming the new norm, comprehensive dialogue among civilizations enables nations to understand and respect each other’s cultures and replace estrangement, clash, and hierarchy with exchange, mutual learning, and peaceful coexistence.
This is a lesson taught by both history and reality. While the conflicts in the preceding century have taken a heavy toll on civilizations, the ongoing era of “re-awakening” allows us to review the old notions, rethink and find solutions to resolve conflicts via negotiation.
Currently, confronted with common challenge in public health and economic growth due to the ravaging pandemic, mankind once again is bound together as a community that shares weal and woe.
Pakistan and China, adjoined in history for both once being ruled by the Mogol, Kublai and Hulagu and suffered colonization, are enhancing civilization connectivity and providing gateway between the North and the South, the East and the West through an active exchange of ideas, vision, and aspirations. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) brings the two civilizations ever closer by opening a window for Pakistan in socio-political, economic, and geo-commercial terms.
To push such connections a step forward through dialogue, technology-driven growth, academic exchanges, and constructive media pave the way.
According to the report, economic growth empowered by green development and technological innovations dominates bilateral leadership thinking.
this regard, mutual strength can be fostered in areas such as Gross Eco-system Product (GEP), Carbon Roadmap with Clear Investment Forecast, Green Infrastructure Development, Energy Big Data to reach high energy efficiency, Net Zero-Carbon Power Generation Technology and Multi-Trillion New Energy Market.
Underpinning civilization exchanges is academic cooperation. Joint research programs would be beneficial to inspire the world with positive writings and change the dysfunctional ideas with modern ones as exemplified by the Dialogue of Civilizations, which presents an opportunity for all to come together and adopt a joint approach to address common concerns.
Research Centre for Community with Shared Future, one of the organizers of the discussion, has been established exactly to promote cooperation with China in common areas of interest.
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