Rescue-1122 conducts mock drills

Staff Report

RAWALPINDI: The District Emergency Service, Rescue-1122 conducted mock exercises regarding preparedness to deal with possible flood hazards, on Thursday at Nullah Lai and its adjacent areas.
The spokesman 1122, Muhammad Usman informed that Flood mock-ups were conducted to test the efficiency, practical training and the degree of responsiveness of the allied emergency departments in any untoward situation.
The results of the exercises are better and testimonial that timely actions can be taken to protect the life and property of people in any emergency situation.
According to the details, Deputy Commissioner Rawalpindi Hasan Waqar Cheema, District Emergency Officer Rawalpindi Engineer Sibghatullah and officers witnessed the exercises.
Appreciating the time coordination, response and planning during the mocks, DC said that the Rescue 1122 team remained always on high alert in case of any emergency.
District Emergency Officer Rawalpindi Engineer Sibghatullah lauded high morale and dedication shown by the the rescue personnel during the exercises.