Rescue efforts ramp up in China Coal Mine collapse

HOHHOT: Cutting-edge equipment and technologies are being used as search and rescue efforts have been ramped up following the collapse of a coal mine in North China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region, local authorities said on Friday.
The open-pit mine collapsed in Alxa Left Banner at around 1 pm Wednesday. As of 2 pm Friday, six people have been rescued from the debris, six have been confirmed dead, and 47 others are still missing, the region’s emergency response headquarters said at a press briefing.
Rescue forces use satellite remote sensing technology and on-site monitoring to delimit areas where the buried are relatively concentrated, said Cheng Xiangdong, with the region’s fire and rescue corps.
Unmanned aerial vehicles are also used to draw two-dimensional and three-dimensional images of the collapsed area to narrow down the search and rescue area, Cheng said.
“After determining the search and rescue area, we use life detectors, search and rescue dogs, and other ways to confirm the specific location of the trapped. The car GPS, metal detectors, and other equipment are also used to improve the search and rescue accuracy,” added Cheng.
The rescue is very difficult due to the huge landslide volume on-site and a second landslide that occurred around 6 p.m. on Wednesday, said Zhang Yong, an expert with the rescue headquarters.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item