Review on the US deceasing global engagement

By Jon Taylor

AS the 75th anniversary of the UN, perhaps this is as good a time as any to discuss the United States’ role in the organization—particularly in light of President Donald Trump and his administration’s efforts to de-emphasize multilateral relations and global governance mechanisms.
The US played a pivotal part in the founding of the UN in 1945. Much of the world’s rules-based structure for international law, regional security arrangements, trade agreements, immigration rules and cultural exchanges has been profoundly influenced by the U.S.
For decades, the U.S. has provided one of the largest financial contributions to the UN’s overall budget. It hosts the UN headquarters in New York City and sits as a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
While they have had many disagreements over the past decades, until 2017 the U.S. supported both the UN’s multilateralism and its role in enhancing the rules-based international order. Much of the United States’ involvement in the UN was because it often served to support U.S. power interests.
‘Principled realism’
However, since 2017, under the Trump administration, the U.S. has chosen to take a different approach to both multilateralism and the rules-based international order. By abandoning decades of U.S. foreign policy consensus, the Trump administration has taken a less predictable, more business-like transactional approach to bilateral and multilateral relations, and advocates neo-mercantilism, nationalism, and less interest in broad alliances.
Therefore, it should come as little surprise that Trump sees the United States’ relationship with the UN as, at best, a net negative—one that he believes impedes U.S. interests. In fact, Trump himself described this approach during a speech to the UN General Assembly in 2018 as “principled realism.”
The current US approach to the UN might best be characterized as a form of aggressive neglect, highlighted by funding cuts to the UN Secretariat, a number of UN agencies including the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the World Health Organization (WHO), and less interest in engagement. This is in line with Trump’s approach to foreign policy that is more nationalistic and confrontational. The result is that his isolationist “America First” diplomacy is diminishing U.S. influence at the UN, most recently symbolized by formal letters from 13 of the 15 Security Council members who opposed the Trump administration’s attempts to extend the economic embargo on Iran.
Rather than taking a more globalist and multilateral approach to foreign relations like China or its closest allies, the U.S. is increasingly using the UN—particularly the Security Council—as a venue to air political grievances and make threats. One only has to recall then U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s threat to other nations who failed to support the U.S. decision to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Less global engagement
Since taking office, Trump has pushed for major funding cuts by the U.S. to UN agencies. Such cuts will likely force the UN to undergo significant structural changes that may or may not all be to the United States’ liking. While Trump has pressed for both monetary cuts and withdrawal from a number of UN agencies and commissions, it should be noted that U.S. support of the UN has not been a high policy priority for quite some time now.
Currently, the U.S. has opted out of major international agreements and owes the UN over $1 billion in outstanding dues. In early July, the Trump administration gave a one-year notice to the UN officially advising their intention to withdraw the U.S. from WHO. It’s notable that this action by Trump is in violation of a U.S. law that requires approval of the Congress. But because any withdrawal cannot take effect until July 2021, if Joe Biden becomes the new U.S. president, he could simply revoke the withdrawal upon taking office.
The Trump administration’s withdrawal from UN organizations and its monetary obligations reflects an increasing exhaustion and cynicism with global affairs among a significant minority of the American public, fueled by years of war and now by a pandemic.
– The Daily Mail-
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