Reviewing tough voices against China

There are increasingly tough voices speaking out against China in Europe, and members of the European Parliament have played an important role in promoting these voices. Reinhard Bütikofer, who chairs the European Parliament’s delegation for relations with China, has argued that Germany and France should restrain themselves from “selfishly” looking to guide EU-China relations. He called on EU members states to adopt a united position on the issue of China. The European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday passed a pro-Taiwan draft report. Fabio Massimo Castaldo, vice president of the European Parliament, defended the report saying that the EU cannot remain silent on China’s increasingly aggressive foreign policy. Germany is the biggest trading partner of China within the EU. China is also the biggest trading partner of Germany. But tough voices toward China can often be heard. In a speech at an industry event in June, Siegfried Russwurm, head of the BDI industry association, said Germany must not duck confrontation if red lines on human rights are crossed when dealing with China. The US regards China as a cold war rival. It has made all-round efforts to exert pressure on China, which has worsened the overall diplomatic environment China is facing. European political circles will take the pressure on China as leverage they can take advantage of in their relations with China. They will break the tacit understanding on China-related issues such as human rights between Europe and China and become more aggressive in their rhetoric toward China. For one thing, they aim at seeking more attention, for another, they want to boost their position in dealing with China in an attempt to push China to make more concessions. China must have a full understanding of the basic nature and outlook of China-Europe relations and have confidence in our ability to completely safeguard our interests in relations with Europe. Besides, we need to see through the petty and wretched mind-set of some European politicians who want to stir up troubles to serve their own ends and gain profits. We should not be fooled by their performances. These judgments should be the basis for us to formulate corresponding strategies. China is so far away from Europe, and we have never provoked European countries. European powers invaded China in modern times, and today they have also taken the initiative to intervene in China’s internal affairs. Lithuania is seeking to develop relations with Taiwan island in a way that breaks the one-China principle, which was opposed by China. But European side has in turn said China conducted “coercive” diplomacy. This is clearly rogue political logic. Some Europeans cannot tell the right from the wrong. This is because they have put self-interest at their center. The West has been led astray by the US, the rogue-in-chief. And the hooliganism has been widely spread in the West.
–The Daily Mail-Global Times News Exchange Item