Right to Self-Determination

Kashmiris around the world observed the Right to Self-Determination Day to mark the 72nd anniversary of the United Nations’ commitment that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute would be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite under the UN patronage. The United Nations and International Community could not fulfill its promise to provide the exclusive environment to the people of Kashmir to exercise their right to self- determination, therefore, each year Kashmiris across the globe observed this day to remind the unfulfilled promise and unimplemented resolutions passed by the International body. The reason to non-fulfillment of UN resolution and denial to the right to self- determination to the people of Kashmir is blatant deviation of India from UN resolutions on Kashmir issue. The United Nations avowed its support for the incontrovertible right to self-determination of Kashmiris as a fundamental and basic human right in its resolutions passed by the Security Council. The Right to Self-Determination day was observed by the people of Pakistan, IIOJK, Pakistani and Kashmiri diaspora abroad in the UK, USA and Europe. The government of Pakistan formally reminded the UNO and International Community about the case of right to Self-Determination to the people of Kashmir consented upon by UN Security Council 72 years ago. Currently, the situation in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) became worst after 05 August 2019, due to imposition of Inhuman military siege by India to suppress the voice of Kashmiri people against the Indian oppression, deprivation of basic rights to life, health, food, expression and above all the right to self- determination. The COVID-19 also increased the miseries of the people of IIOJK due to non-availability of essential health facilities to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Narendra Modi led fascist government of BJP employed all resources and means to overturn the Muslim majority in the occupied territory of IIOJK into minority. While turning eyes to all UN resolutions and International norms, Indian government Brazenly issued more than 2 million domiciles certificate to non-Kashmiris under its newly passed rule titled “Jammu and Kashmir Grant of Domicile Certificate (Procedure) Rules,2020. The people of Kashmir have paid heavy price of Indian Illegal Occupation of IIOJK since 1947. Pakistan and India had fought four wars over Kashmir issue. Kashmiri people had been struggling hard to get freedom from Indian occupation through peace full means but did not succeeded.
In 1989, Kashmiris started armed struggle to get rid of Indian occupation, since than 32 years had passed but Kashmir is still in the clutches of Indian 0ccupation. After attaining nuclear status by Pakistan and India, South Asia became a nuclear flash point due to the Kashmir dispute between the two countries.

Despite being a Nuclear Flash point, Kashmir issue went to a back burner at International level. During last seven decades, each time the bone of contention between two nations was a sub-segment of the core issue of Kashmir but, very cunningly India remained successful to bifurcate Kashmir issue from that very reason for example the Bombay attacks, Pathankot or Pulwama incident and others. The core issue of Kashmir remained untouch during the negotiations and both sides put it pending for future which yet not arrived. Presently, the situation has reached at a decisive point because after 05 August 2019, India has initiated meaningful steps to change the situation in its favor and to eliminate the very reason of the dispute by changing demographics and legal status of the IIOJK. On other hand Pakistan is only limited to cosmetic measures those have no significant worth in this contemporary world. The government of Pakistan should launch an aggressive campaign against Indian atrocities and HR violations and particularly Indian law “Jammu and Kashmir Grant of Domicile Certificate (Procedure) Rules, 2020 must be challenged at International level. Pakistan being a party to the case, should file cases against India at International Court of Justice (ICJ) and International Criminal Court (ICC) and other International tribunals besides adapting hunting approach at available International forums. Where direct move is not possible indirect approach through Pakistani and Kashmiri diaspora abroad can be made. India is ready to swallow Kashmir and Pakistan must secure Kashmir and the Kashmiris from Indian nefarious designs by utilizing all available options, resources and platforms.