Riyadh vows support to finish Ukraine war

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia in a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for international efforts aimed at reaching a political solution to the Russian-Ukrainian crisis in a way that preserves regional and interna-tional stability.
King Salman presided over the Cabinet meeting held at Al-Yamamah Pal-ace in Riyadh. During the meeting, the Cabinet reviewed talks that took place between the Kingdom and friendly countries over the past few days to consolidate and advance cooperation.
Dr. Issam bin Saad bin Saeed, state minister and Cabinet member for the Shoura Council affairs, said in a statement to the Saudi Press Agency that the council discussed several regional and international matters.
The Cabinet issued a number of decisions, including authorizing the minis-ter of sports, or a deputy, to hold talks with the Maldives regarding a draft memorandum of understanding between the Saudi Ministry of Sports and the Maldivian Ministry of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment for cooperation.
The Cabinet also authorized the minister of culture and chairman of the board of trustees of the Royal Institute of Traditional Arts, or a deputy, to hold talks with Italy regarding a draft MoU between the institute and the Polytechnic University of Milan in the field of traditional arts. It also au-thorized the minister of communications and information technology, or a deputy, to hold talks with the UN Development Program regarding a draft MoU for cooperation in digital transformation.
It also authorized the minister of human resources and social development and chairman of the Institute of Public Administration, or a deputy, to hold talks with the Secretariat General of the Gulf Cooperation Council re-garding a draft MoU in the field of training and administrative develop-ment.
The Cabinet also approved a transit agreement among Arab countries and a memorandum of cooperation in intellectual property between the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property and the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore. –Agencies