ROK volunteers join Chinese community’s epidemic fight

TIANJIN: Shin Eun Shik, a businessman from the Republic of Korea (ROK), has been living in north China’s Tianjin Municipality for around 20 years. During the novel coronavirus outbreak, the 52-year-old man turned into a warrior fighting the virus along with the local community.
Shin volunteered to join in the epidemic prevention and control team of an international community in Tianjin’s Nankai District, where a large number of foreign residents live.
Shin came back to Tianjin on Feb. 6 after the Chinese New Year holiday. As head of an organization for ROK people and companies in Tianjin, he was invited to attend a special meeting after completing a 14-day quarantine. “The community workers asked me for advice on how to settle the citizens back from the ROK,” he recalled, as more than 600 ROK families returned to Tianjin for work or study during that period of time.
He was moved by the sincerity of the community workers. “I gradually understood the necessity of community epidemic prevention and control after their detailed explanation. I wanted to join them.”
Shin volunteered in a designated hotel for foreign citizens returning to the community who needed to undergo a 14-day quarantine.
He also helped social workers check travelers’ information as a translator on the way from the airport to quarantine hotels.
Shin speaks Chinese well, giving him an edge to communicate between foreign residents and local community workers.
“I explained the epidemic situation and the need for quarantine to them, and did my best to calm their nerves.” Shin was not alone. Jeong Eui Hwan and his wife Li Xingfu also lent a helping hand in the community. Jeong was in charge of contacting the residents from the ROK before they boarded planes to Tianjin and helped to meet their needs during their quarantine in the hotel. – Agencies