Role of Mutahedda Ulema Board in elimination of sectarian violence laudable: Elahi

LAHORE: Speaker Punjab Assembly Chaudhry Parvez Elahi has said that the prominent role played by the Mutahedda Ulema Board in the elimination of sectarian violence and extremism within the country is commendable.

He said that we should have the spirit of tolerating, listening and accepting each other’s point of view, ulema should guide the government for solving people’s problems.

Chaudhry Parvez Elahi was talking to Chairman Mutahedda Ulema Board Pakistan Hafiz Mohammad Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi, Ameer Markazia Majlis Ahrar-e-Islam Syed Mohammad Kafeel Bokhari, Central Deputy Secretary General Mian Mohammad Idrees and Mohammad Qasim Cheema who called on him in the Speakers’ Chambers here on Friday.

Thanking the Speaker Punjab Assembly, Hafiz Mohammad Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi apprised him about three years performance of the Ulema Board. Hafiz Mohammad Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi paid tributes to Speaker Ch Parvez Elahi for rendering religious services.

He said that the Mutahedda Ulema Board provided guidance to different institutions, courts, government ministries in 208 cases, cleared 326 academic teaching books wherein no material was included against any sect or religion.

Special Assistant Tahir Ashrafi said that credit goes to you for unanimous religious legislation in the Punjab Assembly, your role in the unanimous legislation over Khatam-e-Nubawwat (S.A.W) will be written in golden words Insha-Allah. He further said that inter-faith harmony was promoted during your tenure of government, oath about Khatam-e-Nubawwat included in Nikah Namah, teaching of Holy Quran made part of compulsory education up to primary nazira and with translation up to matric, inclusion of subjects of Khatam-e-Nubawwat (S.A.W) and blasphemy in the academic syllabus are proof of your immense love for the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) display of the Quranic Ayaats and Ahadith regarding the Khatam-e-Nubawwat in the House and in all offices in all districts of the province is your great achievement. -Agencies