RSS philosophy, Doval’s policies to accompany Modi on China trip


  • Despite unprecedented exchange of delegations between Beijing and Delhi, RSS mentality, Ajit Doval’s dirty plans for China remain unchanged
  • Narendra Modi  still behaving more as a Hindu extremist and less as a Premier of a Nuclear State
  • Indian National Security Advisor influencing country’s foreign policies very strongly
  • Doval’s policy of ‘Offensive Defense”  focuses on China at par with Pakistan  
  • NSA also devises big plans via Indian Army for China in Arunachal with consultations of former Army Chief General ® VK Singh
  • Singh, Doval duo organizes provision of  over 200 hectares land along with China border to army
  • PMO pushes for  upgrading military air strips into full-fledged airports along China border 
  • Delhi asks military Commanders to establish infantry, artillery, signals, aviation, intelligence infrastructure on China border 
  • Indian army given huge funds by govt to enhance night combat capabilities 
  • Imposition of AFSPA in Arunachal deeply linked with sinister plans against China via Arunachal and Sikkim states
  • Modi  expected to bid trapping Chinese leaders  for leading role in 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and One Belt, One Road like mega projects with evil designs


special-reportBy Makhdoom Babar
(with Additional input from Christina Palmer, Anjali Sharma & Ajay Mehta)
While Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is embarking on State visit to China that has been highly glorified by Indian Media, the Hindu Extremism Philosophy of his the Hindu Extremist Group the RSS and the dirty policies and doctrine like “Offensive Defense” of his National Security Advisor to counter China would be accompanying him all the way to Beijing.
A study of Indian affairs with regard to maintaining ties with China indicate that Delhi has always been trying to lure China under the garb of India being a huge consumer market but on the other hand, its Military establishment, Intelligence mechanism and Foreign Affairs think tanks have always been following the philosophy of engaging China in traditional as well as nonconventional styles of controversies. Despite the fact that Beijing, in the past year, has hosted at least 70 delegations from India as part of its outreach to the Indian business community, youth leaders and Sangh Parivar ( the group of Hindu extremist and hardcore outfits) affiliates. Participants in several of these delegations were either Parivar nominees or those sympathetic to the Sangh’s Hindu extremism perspective on India-China relations, there has been no let up in RSS mentality of ridiculing China and generating hatered amongst Indians against the Chinese. The Hindu extremists, who, after become part of the Indian government were though very often received very warmly by Beijing during their China trips, yet, after returning from China, they kept on enhancing hatred against Chinese people and in fact have been saying in public gatherings that the Chinese youngsters do not know much about their own leaders but are very much familiar and impressed by the Indian leaders.” During my visit, I found that common Chinese were having little knowledge about their own leaders like Deng Xiaoping etc but were very much impressed by the Indian personalities like Rabindranath Tagore and Atal Behari Vajpayee.” said Praful Ketkar, Editor of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh weekly, Organiser, after he visited China in 2012.
It remains a fact that the party that Mr. Modi is representing as Indian Premier; the BJP, in 1998 had declared its extreme hatred for China when BJP’s Defense Minister George said that China was a bigger threat to India than Pakistan. The current BJP Cabinet of Mr. Modi is having Union Minister for External Affairs as a person who spent his entire military career in harbouring anti-China designs and lashing out at China at a number of occasions during his tenure as Indian Army Chief, General VK Singh while the National Security Advisor Ajit Kumar Doval, the former cop and the former Chief of India’s Intelligence Bureau are said to be the main irritants for Beijing while proceeding on affairs with Modi during his visit. While NSA Ajit Kumar Doval has been exposed completely by International media for organizing anti-China plans via East Turkistan Islamic Movement in Xinjiang Autonomous Region of China, VK Singh is already known for supporting and organizing a variety of conventional and unconventional adventures against China via Arunachal Pradesh ( Indian Occupied Tibet) and even the recent imposition of notorious and globally criticized Armed Forces Special Powers ACT (AFSPA) in Arunachal Pradesh are said to be part of a huge conspiracy against China, devised jointly by Ajit Doval and General ( retired) VK Singh.
General Singh who is living a very frustrated life after end of his career as Army Chief and later even after becoming Foreign Minister, not getting any space in media limelight and thus bashed Indian media at many occasions, now desires to get some ample space by suggesting a plan of engaging China via Arunachal and Sikkim and is preparing something big in Nathu La area of India-China border with the help of top military commanders.
Under this plan, Indian Army has been provided with some 200 hectares of land in Arunachal Pradesh state from India’s Environment Ministry to establish massive military infrastructure.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that an Environment Ministry panel has, on special instructions from the PMO, diverted more than 200 hectares of Forest land in Arunachal Pradesh for establishment of Indian Army’s infantry battalions, artillery regiments and its headquarters, a surveillance and target acquisition unit, a helipad besides constructing vital roads for speedy mobilization.
Indian Army Headquarters has been directed by New Delhi to set up a Mountain Strike Corps in the area and also to move a tank brigade there . They have also been instructed to have a separate, all-weather road to ensure 24/7, uninterrupted access to the border with China. The forest advisory committee of the Indian Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) in its decision, while recommending the diversion of the forest area, said that they have taken note of “the sense of urgency for these projects expressed at various levels of the central government and stressed upon by National Security Advisor under the new National Security Doctrine.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the panel has approved allocating around 203 hectare of forest land to Indian Army for “infrastructure development”. Of this, around 43 hectares area located at village Bana in Seppa of East Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh is for establishment of an infantry battalion, one artillery brigade headquarters, signal company, one artillery brigade and workshop, a medium regiment, a light regiment, a SATA (surveillance and target acquisition) along with logistic installations of a helipad, a classification and a grenade range. Another 160 hectare area that has been recommended by the forest advisory committee is in West Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh for construction of Tadadege-Henker road by Border Roads Task Force. Tadadege road is a vital line of communication for Indian troops deployed in forward areas in the Tadadege sector. The road passes through hilly mountainous terrain with thick forest growth and the area is “un-classed state forest.”
International defense observers are seeing this development with great concern in the backdrop of successive Indian Army Chiefs’ aggressive statements about China and also in the backdrop of Ajit Kumar Doval’s policy of applying “ offensive defense” which he announced at a lecture at a local university in India sometime back.
The defense analysts are also concerned as they say that despite the fact the Indian government has been preaching peace and pretending to forge friendly ties with China and Indian Premier is visiting China with this “ media Stance” , yet the policies of New delhi and especially the doctrine of Ajit Kumar Doval does not support this stance by any means. These observers also attach a great importance to a very extravagant financial clearance, cleared by the Indian government for purchase of night vision tools for Indian army, costing over 2800 crore Indian rupees. The basic problem with the Indian army at the moment is that it is unable to fight a war in the night as its Armour and Artillery vision in the night is merely 20% while to fight a war with China in the mountainous region of Arunachal, Armour and Artillery are supposed to be the key mechanized columns of the Indian army.
The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that earlier, the Indian Defense Ministry approved a Rs 2,820 crore proposal to provide night-vision devices to the Army to enable its tanks and infantry combat vehicles to have capability to fight in both day and night conditions.
A meeting of the Defense Acquisition Council (DAC) headed by Defense Minister had also approved proposals to upgrade the 130 mm artillery guns of the Army along with amendments in procurement procedure to boost indigenization in defense production. Under the plans to do away with the night blindness of Army’s mechanized fleet including the Russian-origin T-90 and T-72 tanks and the BMP Infantry Combat Vehicles (ICV), around 5,000 thermal imaging sights would be procured from defense PSU Bharat Electronics limited, they said.
For the T-72, which are the main stay of the Indian Army, 2,000 pieces of TI sights would be procured for Rs 1,000 crore while 1,200 pieces would be bought for the T-90 Main Battle Tanks for Rs 960 crore. 1,780 pieces of TI sights would be inducted for the BMP Infantry Combat Vehicles for Rs 860 crore.
The Daily Mail’s investigations also reveal that earlier, in 2009, Indian upgraded six airstrips in Arunachal Pradesh bordering China to improve its capabilities to move troops there quickly, declaring these as Advanced Landing Grounds (ALGs). The upgraded air strips included Daulat Beig Oldi, Fukche , Nyoma, Walong and Machuka.
Global defense experts also attach a great significance of this move by the Indian army leadership as a former Indian Army Chief had announced the Indian Army’ cold-start war doctrine, declaring that Indian army was in a position to eliminate China and Pakistan within hours even if India had to fight on the simultaneous fronts.
On the other side, Indian PM is set to try tricking Chinese leadership during his visit under the garb of being a very important country for China’s 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and One Belt-One Road projects. Though the Indian Premier would be making a haul of offers to very warmly welcome China’s investment in India under the above mentioned projects, yet Delhi has planned to get maximum Chinese investment for the up gradation of infrastructure under the 2 mega projects and once the Chinese companies start business in India after the projects are completed, they would impose huge and taxes and other added troubles for the Chinese investors, both from Private and Public sectors.