S.Arabia initiatives propel nation as leader in environmental conservation

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Saudi Arabia, in a remarkable display of dedication to environmental conservation, has unveiled here Wednesday a series of groundbreaking initiatives, cementing its position as a global leader in sustainable practices. These visionary efforts not only showcase the kingdom’s commitment to protecting the environment but also herald a new era of renewable energy and sustainable development.
Marking World Environment Day 2023 by collecting leftover garbage of visitors on Trail-3, a beautiful and scenic attraction in the Margalla Hills along with his fellow diplomats and media persons, Saudi Press Attaché Dr. Naif Al-Otaibi highlighted one of the most significant endeavours, Saudi Green Initiative, which is a comprehensive plan aimed at combating climate change and reducing carbon emissions.
He said that under this initiative, Saudi Arabia had pledged to plant 10 billion trees throughout the country, restore 40 million hectares of degraded land, and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. He said this bold commitment reflected the nation’s determination to preserve its unique ecosystems and combat the adverse effects of climate change.
To achieve its climate goals, he said the Kingdom had also launched the Saudi Green Initiatives, an innovative programme focused on promoting environmental awareness and sustainable practices among its citizens.
As part of this initiative, Dr. Naif said the Saudi government had planned to increase the percentage of protected areas and national parks, establish nature reserves, and implement strict environmental regulations. These efforts aimed to foster a culture of environmental stewardship among the population, encouraging individuals and communities to actively participate in conservation activities, he maintained.
He said Saudi Arabia had made remarkable strides in the field of renewable energy as the crown jewel of these efforts was the Saudi Vision 2030 plan seeking to diversify the nation’s energy sources and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
He said the Kingdom was investing heavily in renewable energy projects, such as solar and wind power, to harness its abundant natural resources and transform itself into a global hub for clean energy. Dr. Naif said this shift not only contributed to the preservation of the environment but also fosters economic growth and job creation in the renewable energy sector.
He further mentioned another notable initiative, Saudi Circular Carbon Economy (CCE) National Programme, which aimed to minimize waste and promote efficient use of resources.
By adopting circular economy principles, he said that Saudi Arabia was striving to reduce carbon emissions, increase energy efficiency and promote sustainable consumption and production practices. He said that the CCE encompassed initiatives such as waste management and recycling programmes, as well as investments in advanced technologies and sustainable industries.
Dr. Naif said Saudi Arabia’s dedication to environmental sustainability extended beyond its borders. Through the Middle East Green Initiative, the Kingdom was working collaboratively with neighboring countries to address regional environmental challenges.
He said that this initiative emphasized cross-border cooperation and knowledge-sharing to foster collective action and achieve shared environmental goals. By taking a leadership role in the region, Saudi Arabia is spearheading a collective effort to protect and preserve the Middle East’s unique natural heritage, he added.
He said that due to Saudi Arabia’s bold steps towards environmental conservation and sustainable development, the nation had become an inspiration to countries worldwide. He said that its visionary initiatives, coupled with strong political will and substantial investments, showcased a genuine commitment to mitigating climate change and safeguarding the environment for future generations.
Dr. Naif said that through these efforts, Saudi Arabia was solidifying its position as a global leader in environmental stewardship, proving that economic growth and environmental sustainability could go hand in hand.
In this age of climate crisis, Saudi Arabia’s unwavering dedication to environmental protection set a shining example for the world, inspiring nations to join hands and work together towards a sustainable future, he maintained.