SAARC Chamber hails Pak’s decision of barter Trade

By Asad Cheema

ISLAMABAD: President SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iftikhar Ali Malik widely hailing Pakistan prudent decision of barter trade with Afghanistan and Iran has said that it will further strengthen trilateral trade relations and foster existing econ ties among the three neighbouring Muslim countries.
Talking to a delegation of traders led by Waqas Anjum which called on him on Sunday, he said it’s good wisdom based decision of Pakistan to allow imports and exports under barter trade with both countries to promote trade with regional states. He said barter trade has tremendous importance to strengthen regional trade connectivity and to do with foreign exchange and other challenges confronted by the regional countries.
Iftikhar Ali Malik said it’s good point to note that Pakistan government has amended relevant part of import and export policy orders 2020 to launch barter trade under the arrangements finalised after taking stakeholders into confidence.
He termed the decision a welcoming development because it was being pursued by all relevant stakeholders of all three countries in true letter and spirit to derive the desired results of economic cooperation and prosperity of the people of the region.
The President SAARC Chamber hoped that the appropriate mechanism of barter trade would be placed in action and finalised by the authorities of Iran and Pakistan. He said special desk has been established at SAARC Chamber headquarters to facilitate the traders of member countries especially for Afghanistan.
A member of the delegation former President Lahore chamber and chairman Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (REAP) Shahzad Ali Malik said the decision will provide ample opportunity to our export to Iran especially of rice including Guard rice which is in great demand that’s very popular being best in taste worldwide.
He urged the private sector including regional chambers to move forward for taking full advantage of the big opportunity.

Shazad Ali said REAP welcome the step and term it a constructive stride in right direction to foster the barter trade, he concluded.