SADC Ministers show unity with China

DM Monitoring


Health ministers of the member states of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) have commended China’s anti-coronavirus efforts and pledged continued solidarity with China and other countries affected by the virus, SADC Executive Secretary Stergomena Tax said. Speaking at the end of a one-day meeting on COVID-19 among SADC health ministers, Tax said “China assured the meeting that all SADC citizens, including students, are being taken care of in terms of prevention and monitoring, and no one has been affected.” China also extended gratitude to the 16 SADC member states for expressing solidarity during this difficult time, Tax added. The health ministers praised the WHO and the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for their joint anti-virus efforts, while urging all SADC member states to put in place national response plans as well as contingency and emergency funds to mitigate possible impacts from COVID-19, she said.