Saidpur Village sealed after Wild Tigers spotted

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad Capital Territory Police (ICTP) and Wildlife Department have sealed Saidpur village following appearance of half a dozen wild tigers in the area, said an official statement released here on Thursday.
According to reports, Police personnel and Wildlife Department’s officials were put on alert around the Village while villagers were directed to remain calm and stay inside homes.
Police have asked locals to contact on 15 helpline in case of any emergency.
The Capital Police also circulated a voice note to inform citizens over the issue.
It remains a fact that Wild Species that are habitants of Margallas’ Natural Forests keep coming to settled areas during the extreme weather condition.
Although, these species including Tigers, Jackals, Wolfs, Monkeys etc. are protected under wildlife laws and global commitments yet they often pose threats to human lives while there never been human causalities reported.
Tigers and Lepers have often been spotted are hiking and tracking trails of the Margalla Hills but nothing serious ever happened, the wildlife officials have also placed night vision cameras to monitor the activities and moments of these habitants of the Margalla natural forests.
However, this is for the first time such a huge number of wildcats have been detected in the settled areas. More details are likely to appear today.