San Francisco announces citywide mask-wearing

SAN FRANCISCO: Mayor of the U.S. city of San Francisco London Breed on Wednesday announced the launch of a citywide public awareness campaign to educate residents, workers, and visitors about the importance of wearing face coverings to contain the spread of COVID-19 and help San Francisco continue reopening.
The new campaign supports the city’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic with comprehensive, multilingual, and culturally competent outreach and public awareness with the overall goal of seeing more San Franciscans wear masks at all times when outside the home, the mayor’s office said.
The citywide campaign will be deployed with posters, signage, and digital billboards in areas where people tend to gather. In addition, the campaign includes a robust digital and social media presence with TV, radio, print and streaming ads.
The campaign includes citywide outreach as well as targeted campaigns in the city’s key communities such as the Mission District, Chinatown, Oceanview, Merced and other neighborhoods.
“We are all eager to see our city reopen more and to be able to support our small businesses, see our youth get back in the classroom and see our friends again,” said Breed, adding that “this campaign reminds us that it is possible, but everyone has a part to play and wearing a mask, socially distancing, and frequent hand washing is key.”–Agencies