Sanjrani reviews IPC’s progress

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Senate and Founding President of the International Parliamentarians Congress (IPC), Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani here on Thursday presided over a meeting to assess the progress and developments of IPC. During the meeting, attended by IPC and Senate officials, thorough and detailed deliberations took place.
The deliberations culminated in a decision to proceed with the election of the President of IPC. The official election schedule is set to be announced in December 2023. The meeting was attended by Secretary Senate, Mohammad Qasim Samad Khan, Secretary General IPC, Sitara Ayaz, Executive Director PIPS, Muhammad Anwar and Director General Coordination Senate, Mir Shae Mazar Baloch.
This decision to elect a new President marks a significant step forward in IPC’s journey to further enhance its role in the global parliamentary community.
The upcoming election will ensure the continued dedication and leadership of IPC in facilitating international parliamentary cooperation and diplomacy.
Sadiq Sanjrani expressed commitment to the organization’s mission and values, emphasizing the importance of transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in the upcoming election process. Earlier, High Commissioner of Brunei Darussalam, PG Kamal Bashah PG Ahmed, paid a courtesy call on Chairman Senate, Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani here at Parliament House on Thursday.
Chairman Senate Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani warmly congratulated High Commissioner PG Kamal Bashah PG Ahmed on his recent appointment and extended his heartfelt best wishes for the role.