Sargodha varsity makes plan to deal with pandemic

SARGODHA: A meeting of all the Deans, Heads of Teaching Departments and Administrative Heads, chaired by the Vice Chancellor, was held on 31/03/2020 to discuss the matters related to pandemic COVID-19, feedback from the Heads of the teaching Departments regarding online classes, continuation of online classes under Higher Education Commission’s policy guidelines dated 28.03.2020, instructions of the Government to prevent spread of COVID-19.The Following decisions were unanimously taken due to unpredictable situation of the COVID-19:
1. The Online Classes will continue as usual in order to involve the students in academic and productive activities; 2. The Heads of the teaching departments will ensure the conduct of online classes and they will submit complete attendance report of the students to Secretary to the Vice Chancellor on weekly basis (Each Friday);
3. In Lieu of Mid-Term exams, a Term Paper having 30 marks will be submitted by the students. In this regard, the topics to students shall be assigned in next week; 4. The decision regarding conduct of final term exams shall be taken in due course.–Agencies