Saudi Envoy directs to properly scrutinize workforce for Kingdom

By Adnan Rafique

ISLAMABAD: Saudi Ambassador Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki on Friday directed to properly scrutinize the workforce to be hired for Kingdom so that they could perform well as per their job descriptions.
He said this in a meeting with Professional Examination Programme Project Manager Johar Afzal. Saudi Labor Attaché Majid Bakr bin Idris Bakr and Counselor Khalid Al-Hamwi were also present on this occasion.
The meeting was meant to increase coordination on the labor side, raise the level of labor candidates for work in the Kingdom, and besides verifying the skills of nominated labor, address their challenges faced by them.
The Saudi envoy directed them to follow up the professional examination project centers and ensure that they were playing the required role.
He also emphasized the need to open a new examination center and said the center should be exemplary and professional one.
He recommended that there should be a common logo for the centers that would reflect the breadth and strength of the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
The Saudi Labor Attaché thanked the Ambassador for his support, interest and follow-up.
He also extended gratitude to the leaders of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development for their cooperation and support to the ministry’s programmes.
Earlier, Cash-strapped Pakistan has received the nod for funding of up to $2 billion from Saudi Arabia, a move that will help the country secure the much-required bailout from the IMF, according to a media report on Thursday The International Monetary Fund has imposed the condition on Pakistan that it should secure $3 billion from other countries for the revival of its $6.5 billion bailout package.
The assistance from Riyadh comes at a crucial time as the IMF programme, signed in 2019, will expire on June 30, 2023, and under the set guidelines, the programme cannot be extended beyond the deadline, The Express Tribune newspaper reported.