Say ‘No’ to RAW and see what she saw


  • Teenage Pakistani Hindu girl molested in India for not agreeing to work for RAW
  • Ritika Panjwani of  Mirpur Mathelo went to India along with her father Chandra Bhan recently
  • Ritika’s father Chnadra was lured by RAW during his past many years but he never agreed be spy in home country
  • Unsuspecting Chandra Bhan, this year took his teenage daughter to see relatives in India
  • RAW made separate efforts to win loyalties of Ritika, father to work for India in Pakistan or face the RAW wrath
  • Female RAW officer first lured then threatened Ritika to get her consent to execute RAW tasks
  • RAW officer abducted, tortured Chanda Bhan for agreeing to work for RAW and to ready his daughter too
  • RAW’s brutal torture caused acute renal damage to Chandra, putting him on dialysis in local hospital
  • On 24th of March, RAW’s undercover operator, a cop at Pune’s FRO visited Ritika at her temporary residence in Pune and molested her and threatened her of dire consequences and further harm to her hospitalized father for not agreeing to work for RAW in Pakistan
  • RAW wanted Ritika to portray fake violence against Hindus in Pakistan with Chandra Bhan to perform added tasks and to apply for Indian citizenship under the pretext of insecurity to minorities in Pakistan
  • After coming to power as NSA, Ajit Kumar Doval “revamped Pakistan desks at Foreign registration Offices across India
  • Despite high voltage Indian propaganda, Hindus living much better lives in Pakistan, even having Jaagirs (fiefdom)


From Anjali Sharma in New Delhi and Deepak Mishra in Pune

special-reportSocial media here in India and also there in Pakistan was buzzed with news for the past few days that a Pakistani girl was raped during her visit to India. There was also mentioning of the incident by Pakistani High Commission here in New Delhi as it sent a letter to MEA but the issue remained vague as no details were made available either by Pakistani officials or the officials of Indian MEA while the media also hushed up the matter. This mysterious handling of the issue by the “Vibrant” Indian media here forced The Daily Mail’s New Delhi Bureau to carry out media investigations into the matter. The Daily Mail’s investigations into the matter revealed that it was not merely a routine rape or molestation incident that are not just considered social norms here, but it in fact had a well-planned drive behind it, orchestrated by Indian Intelligence officials of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)

According to The Daily Mail’s Investigations, Chandra Bhan Panjwani, a Pakistani national of Hindu religion and a permanent resident of village Jarwar, Tehsil Mirpur Mathelo, District Ghotki of Sindh province had many relatives and friends in different parts of India. He has been travelling regularly to India since 1990 and has been frequently celebrating religious festivals like Holi, Devali, Dosehra etc with his friends and close relatives in different parts of India. According to the record of  Foreigners Regional Registration Offices at New Delhi and Amritsar and also at Chief Immigration office in Mumbai, accessed by The Daily Mail, Chandra Bhan Panjwani had travelled to India from Pakistan from 1990 to 1993; 2001 to 2010 and then from 2011 to 2015. During every visit, he was never suspected by Pakistani authorities on his return and he enjoyed a clean citizen record back in Pakistan. However, he was, according to some of his close relatives, very much lured by certain unknown persons, most probably from RAW or IB to provide his services to Indian spy agencies while being in Pakistan. A very close friend of Chandra Bhan, who requested immense anonymity, told The Daily Mail that when such unknown persons started haunting Chandra too much in mid 90s, he stopped visiting Indian and did not come here for about 7 to eight years that is from 1993 to 2001. “We also advised him to take a break as these unknown people, with wireless sets in their hands had also invading our privacies and started asking different questions about him. So he stopped coming here until and unless these unknown persons started fading away”, said Vijay (name of the source is being changed here on source’s request). Vijay said that during the past few years, Chandra told him that he was again being contacted by some unknown people but this time they were not harsh but a bit polite. They also offered him handsome amount of money in lieu of his services but he did not agree, they though bought him some gifts for his family back in Pakistan. To a question, Vijay said that he had also inquired from Chandra as to what these unknown people wanted him to do back in Pakistan.  “He always said that they say only after I agree to work, the tasks would be given to him but nothing before that”, said Vijay. He said during his last year’s visit, Chandra Bhan had expressed his desire to bring his teenage daughter to Indian along with him as wanted to find a reasonable matrimonial match for her in India so that the bonds with his family members in India could be strengthened.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that every time Chandra Bhan visited India he got himself registered with local Foreigners Registration Offices (FROs) and so he did this time also applied for the registration of his daughter at Pune’s FRO that is run by Police officials, mainly under cover RAW and IB officials.  According to these investigations, Chandra was asked by the RAW (unknown persons) officials at the Foreign Registration Office in Pune to apply for neutralization (change of citizenship) and to seek Indian citizenship, citing immense brutalities against Hindus in Pakistan. He was told that an entire media campaign would be organized for him and he and his daughter would be provided with house and jobs and other benefit. However, Chandra, who is actually leading a satisfied life along with his family members back in Pakistan, refused to do so as he felt any such move would bring a lot of shame for his community and family members back in Pakistan.  He was also wary of the wrath of Pakistani police on his other family members back in Ghotki (Pakistan) for leading such a baseless campaign while such a fake move could have also put his brother Yashu Lal in a very awkward situation back home.

The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that an adamant Chandra finally became too irritating for RAW officials concerned and eventually he was abducted last month and subjected to severe torture which resulted ultimately into his renal failure. During this course, he was forced to sign the documents for neutralization to India. He was later sent to a local hospital for medical treatment where he is still on dialysis and visitors are not allowed to talk to him. On the other side, Sub Inspector Anand Giddle , who is posted at Pune’s Foreigners’ Registration Office and is understood to be a close confidante of local sector commander of RAW, visited Chandra’s daughter Ritika at the her temporary, hired residence in Pune and asked her to sign up for neutralization. She refused saying that she can’t sign any document without the permission and presence of her father. Upon this, Anand Giddle sexually assaulted her and told her to sign the paper or to get ready for a gang rape and added trouble for her already tortured and hospitalized father.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that Foreign Registration Office is the mandatory agency in India for regulating the registration, movement, stay and even to recommend extension in visas and stay for foreigners across India. The authority was formed in 1971 and was soon dominated by RAW and IB. However, after coming to power as National Security Advisor, former IB Chief Ajit Kumar Doval brought about a major shakeup across the offices of the agency all over Indian and placed certain handpicked officials on desks of the regional Foreigners Registration Offices, dealing with the Pakistani and Chinese visitors. Doval is reported to have passed on special instruction to the officers on Pakistan and China Desks to nurture visiting Pakistani and Chinese nationals to either get their services back in the home countries or to get mega benefits from India via neutralization under the pretext of gross human rights violations (for Chinese) and immense violence against minorities (for Pakistani minority community visitors). These investigations indicate that after the rise of violence against minorities across India by Hindu extremists that earned a really jolting reaction from Western nations, Ajit Doval organized to shift the anti-minorities focus from India to Pakistan and the recent Church Attacks in Lahore and the Ritika-Chandra episode are part of the same Doval plan.

The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that despite the baseless yet highly organized propaganda by Indian media about plight of Hindus in Pakistan, Hindus there in Pakistan are living much better lives than millions of Indian Hindus. These investigations indicate that just a couple of weeks back, on March 23, 2015, Pakistan Day, Kumari Padmini Singh Rathore set her dainty feet on Pakistani soil to make it her home. It was the young Indian Princess’s first time that side of the border but she wasn’t feeling overwhelmed or unsure about starting her new life there. There have been others like her before and there will be others walking in her footsteps later as well. The wedding, which took place on Feb 20 in Jaipur, India, was a high-profile affair with over a 100 baraati (wedding guests) from Pakistan attending. The groom’s father, Rana Hamir Singh Sodha of Umerkot, is the current Rana of the one of the huge Hindu jagirs (fiefdoms) in Pakistan. His mother is Ranisa Nalini Prabha who, being born and brought up in Ajmer, Rajasthan, also opted to make Pakistan her home after her wedding to the Rana in 1987. When asked by a media person what she found difficult settling in here at the time, Ranisa laughs and says: “We had to book trunk calls then. There were no mobile phones, too.”

 The match was made when her family, looking for a suitable boy, came across the family page of the Sodhas of Sindh on Facebook and initiated contact with them. “When I learned they were interested in my son, I said ‘yes’ right away,” says Rana Hamir in a Pakistani media interview. “But they suggested I ask Karni, too, and let the children meet first. The meeting was arranged on their insistence then, though I said that all that mattered to me was the family bloodline. They are Rajputs, they are royalty just like us,” he says with a smile.

“You have to understand,” Rana Hamir explains in the said interview, “Hinduism is based on the caste system. Blood is more important to us. It goes beyond even religion. In Sindh we Rajput Hindus are mostly Sodha Rajputs. For 900 years we have lived on the outskirts of Sindh, in Sanghar, Amarkot and Thar. And Sodha Rajputs never marry among themselves. Therefore a match will have to be sought from the other side.”

“Before Karni’s wedding, I have married off his three older sisters that side, too. And just 10 days before my son’s wedding, there was another big family wedding of my niece, my cousin Vikram Singh’s only daughter, Kiran, to another young man of blue blood in India. So it is not strange for us. Even after 67 years of Partition, we are still maintaining our ties across the border, fencing or no fencing,” he says.

The Jagir, spread over several kilometers of agricultural lands, lies on the outskirts of Umerkot in the Sindh Province of Pakistan, just a few kilometers away from Ritika and Chandra had left to see their relatives in India.