SC announces vacancies of Law Clerks

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court of Pakistan has announced vacancies for the position of Law Clerk for a period of 1 year (extendable) commencing in October 2022 as part of the Supreme Court Law Clerkship Program.
The Supreme Court Law Clerkship Program aims to cultivate the next generation of lawyers and jurists of Pakistan by providing a unique opportunity for professional growth and unparalleled mentorship, said a press release here.
A law clerk (also called judicial law clerk or judicial associate) is a lawyer- typically a recent law graduate – who provides direct assistance to a judge.
The position of a Supreme Court Law Clerk is internationally considered to be among the most prestigious in the field of law, grooming young lawyers to go on to succeed in their respective fields, and give back to their country.
The requirements and details of the position as well as instructions on how to apply are available on the Supreme Court website at this address: Interested candidates may apply after going through the job requirements and application instructions laid out therein.
The deadline to apply is 11:59 pm on 9th September 2022. For any further queries, please contact –Agencies

PSH celebrates Defense Day

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Sweet Home (PSH) children on Tuesday commemorated Defense Day to pay tributes to the martyrs who laid their lives for defending the territorial integrity of their motherland.
In a reception hosted by PSH, the children presented a number of performances on national songs and tableau.
Speaking on the occasion, Pattern in Chief of PSH Zamurrad Khan said the valiant Jawans of Pakistan Army had frustrated the nefarious designs of Indian invading forces by inflicting a crushing defeat.
He said the main aim of establishing world’s first Cadet College for orphan children was to provide soldiers and officers to Pakistan Army.
He hoped that PSH children would serve the country.
At the end Zamurrad Khan distributed prizes among the position holders of Fsc. –Agencies