SC to remain open on Iqbal Day today

ISLAMABAD: It is informed to all concerned that the Supreme Court of Pakistan will remain open on 9th November, 2022 (Wednesday) due to the fixation of some important part-heard cases.
All the Benches will function normally as per the cause list. The day would dawn with special prayers in mosques for the progress and prosperity of Pakistan. Popularly known in Pakistan and other parts of the world as “Poet of the East”, Dr Iqbal was born in Sialkot on November 9, 1877.
Iqbal was an acclaimed poet and philosopher. He is credited with writing poetry and using his political influence to demand the creation of a separate homeland for Muslims. His Allahabad address of 1930 was a watershed moment in pre-partition politics. Allama Iqbal’s address gave a clear direction and separate identity to Muslims of the sub-continent to achieve Pakistan. A Change of Guards ceremony will also be held at his mausoleum in Lahore. –Agencies

PAC organizes digital arts exhibit

By Abid Usman

RAWALPINDI: Punjab Arts Council (PAC) on Tuesday organized digital art exhibition in connection with the Iqbal Festival. Addressing as chief guest of the event, Pakistan Green Task Force President Dr. Jamal Nasir said that Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, was one of the leading thinkers, poets, writers, jurist, politicians, Muslim Sufis and one of the most important figures of the Pakistan Movement.
He said that Allama Iqbal had given rise to the idea of an independent state among the Muslims of the subcontinent; his words had such power that he encouraged the Muslim Ummah to struggle for their rights and take steps forward for freedom.
Dr. Jamal Nasir further st ted that Iqbal was a philosopher and revolutionary who chose poetry as the most effective means of expression at that time to convey his ideas to his people.
Through his poetry, he brought out the feeling of separate nationality to free the Muslims of the subcontinent from the chains of slavery.
Finally, he also congratulated the Arts Council for the successful organization of Iqbal Festival.
Director Arts Council Waqar Ahmad said that Pakistan is the realization of Allama Iqbal’s dream. Allama Iqbal’s Shah Afaq Kalam is read and understood in every part of the world. He always exhorted the Muslims for unity, consensus and action.
The digital artworks of Waqar Ali, Mah Noor Syed, Rabia Saleem, Sana Kanwal,
Maimoona Nasir, Fahad Ali, Ahmed Bilal, Usman Khan and Mir Ajmal were
displayed in the exhibition. The famous poems of Allama Iqbal were written on the artworks. At the end of the ceremony, certificates of appreciation were also distributed among all the students. A large number of people from
the cities participated in the exhibition.