‘Scale up in raw material prices has taken Textile Processing Industry toward the verge of choas’

From Menahill Rashid

FAISALABAD: Undue scale up in the raw material prices has taken the Textile Processing Industry toward the verge of choas, said Reginal Chairman APTPMA Sheikh Shahid. He stressed the need of taking necessary tools to save it to save the economy of Pakistan.
He said that, the government will have to change duties and resolve the issues immediately, otherwise all will go into smoke.
Pointing out the Textile Processing Industry, he said that, it is the backbone in Textile Sector due to comprising value added properties. After the birth of Pakistan, this city Layyalpur afterward named Faisalabad where the textile industry started to bloom many decades ago and this city is known as the Manchester of Pakistan, he further clarified.
He calculated, If we export 1-kg thread/ fiber, then we get 2-$ and if we export 1-kg Grey cloth made of loom industries, we will get 3.5-$ but when we export 1-kg of Made-ups after dying and printing with textile processing then we get 10 to 14 dollars.
So, by dint of value Addition, we can get a mega profit by means of value added textile exports and this can potentialize our economy permanently. By means of value added textile industry Faisalabad is recalled as a Manchester of Pakistan. Because of numerous industrial units , Faisalabad is known as the biggest Textile city in Pakistan. Regional Chairman APTPMA, Sheikh Shahid Javed during this press conference held at All Pakistan Textile Processing Mills Association house, he further elaborated that this significant Industry uptill 2018 was ignored badly and it remained a part of many hurdles but the present government has practically promulgated Textile Policy with their suggestions and this Industrial sector obtained a re-birth.
This government fixed subsidized energy rates for the progress of Textile sector . He further added that, for the progress of Textile Sector there is dire need of doing work with focused schema and a policy of “Inspectors Less Regime” will stand by not only the textile sector but also this significant sector will observe the ways of development in all respect extraordinarily.
He said adding that, due to Covid -19, the businesses of the whole world got lockdown but Pakistan government in such worst situations accelerated the wheel of scaled down Textile Industry and provided many incentives to take this industry many steps ahead.
Chairman further informed that, not only in pakistan but in the whole world, due to curtalization this value added textile processing sector faced the high prices of raw material and due to it, the cost of production scaled up to the extent that a common man cannot match with it. In Value Added Textile Processing Industry there are used a number of dyes and chemicals and it is clarified that the raw material, VAM is used in the applications of this significant raw material that is a part of Polyvinyl Astarte and its prices are increasing day by day.
It is used in making Apratan where its previous rate was 900/ ton and current 3200/ton.