SCBA to challenge lifetime disqualifications under Article 62F

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court Bar Association has prepared a
petition challenging the life-long disqualification of a candidate under
Article 62 I-F, it was learnt on Monday.

Reportedly, the SCBA is going to challenge the life-long disqualification of
a candidate slapped by the court and has drafted a petition in this regard
under Article 62 I-F. The bar association will submit its petition to the
apex court soon.

The lawyers’ body pleaded that the disqualification of the candidate should
be restricted only to the election that is to be challenged in the court of

The petition further states that imposing a life-long ban on a candidate is
violation of his basic rights.

It prays that in the suo motu notices and other special prerogatives granted
to the Supreme Court, a petitioner must be given the right of appeal.

It points that the apex court has already declared in the local government
elections case that the elected representatives could not be kept aloof from

It’s against the teachings of Islam to not pardon those who contemplate and
seek forgiveness on their mistakes, it says citing cases of former prime
minister Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan.

The SCBA has made federal government party to the case. -Agencies