SCCI works to promote nano-tech as future of trade and business industry

ISLAMABAD: The Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) has recently taken an initiative to promote investment in nano-technology, which will create enormous employment and other opportunities, said Tajammal Hussain, the Chamber’s Public Relations Officer, while speaking to Media.

“Nano-technology is becoming the future cornerstone of trade and business; it is high time for Pakistan’s industrial sector to adopt this smart trend. It will foster innovation and economic growth and significantly enhance the competitiveness of Sialkot’s renowned manufacturing sectors including textiles, surgical instruments, and sports goods. Embracing nano-technology will improve the efficacy of products and enhance business opportunities across the country,” he said.

He said the collaboration between the industry and academia was the key component to benefit from nano-technology.

It is also a part of the SCCI’s plan to conduct training sessions to bring awareness among the business communities about this rapidly emerging trend. Besides, special training sessions will also be arranged for the local workforce to ensure a smooth transition for the businesses adopting this technology.

The SCCI public relations officer further said, “To encourage start-ups, entrepreneurs and the private sector to adopt nano-tech projects, the government should provide the necessary funding and establish dedicated R&D wings. With the government and private sector’s support, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) will also be encouraged to adopt innovative approaches.”

Tajammal said the application of nano-technology will enhance the quality and longevity of products. In the textile sector, fabrics with increased strength and stain resistance can be manufactured. Besides, smart and innovative manufacturing through the use of nanotechnology is environment-friendly and necessary for responsible business practices.

He said, “The trade and business community has appreciated this initiative of the SCCI and is keen to weave a proper framework to take a start. It is vital to boost the local economy and to enhance the value of Pakistani products in the global market. By adopting nano-tech, Sialkot will unlock the potential of trade and business and set new benchmarks for future business growth in Pakistan.”

Discussing with Media the importance and need for nanotechnology in Pakistan’s industrial sector, businessman and nano-technologist Mumtaz Hussain Mian said globally, innovation in industrial, medical, and even personal care products was largely due to the nano-technology. It is an emerging trend that is rapidly going to replace conventional manufacturing. Shortly, almost all the advanced countries will shift to products based on nano-tech.

He said the policymakers must frame policies to introduce nano-tech at industrial and academic levels so that Pakistan’s industrial sector could grow in a new but productive direction. –INP