Second wave of Coronavirus

CORONAVIRUS 2nd wave continuously hitting hard Pakistan’s cities and towns across the Country. The severity of the disease is increasing day by day and government displayed a mix response in the beginning of second wave. However, the world is again setting up same stage as that of first wave of Coronavirus in the beginning of the year 2020. As per reports the new variant of Coronavirus has been identified in UK, South Africa, Denmark, France and in several other countries. This new variant is predicted to be more infectious and fast spreading than its previous version. Pakistani Doctors admitted that Coronavirus has mutated itself over the time. Previous coronavirus was M-614 and now it is called 614-G, as per research new mutated virus protein based substance i.e. Aspartate has been replaced with Glycine due to which new variant has increased number of spikes on it, which turned it in to more infectious and 70 per cent more transmission able. Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) observed that during second wave most of the people with Coronavirus symptoms in Pakistan used to isolate themselves for 14 days and neither report their disease nor rush to hospitals. Only patients with liabilities or deteriorating health condition consult the hospitals.
As per government analysis, there is no difference between first and second wave of corona pandemic, however, winter could be problematic because People prefer to live together in a room with less appropriate ventilation. People also get less ratio of ultraviolet rays in winter, which reduce their immunity. The Country’s present Tally of new coronavirus infected cases has reached 471,335 cases so far, the death rates is varying every day due to fatality of the cases across the country. The numbers of positive cases are increasing every day and presently per day corona positive ratio is hovering about 6 Per cent. The comparative success of Pakistan during first wave has made the public careless. The People are not bothering the virus and commonly not observing social distancing and other precautionary measures suggested by the doctors. Although government imposed the Section-144 in the capital city of Islamabad for implementation of coronavirus SOPs. But it has been noted with concern that public is not bothering to wear mask and maintain social distancing in the bazars, markets, Mosques and other public places.