SECP Business Center records 24 % growth

ISLAMABAD: Newly established Business Center of Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) on Monday recorded 24 percent growth in incorporation of new companies, by registering 837 new companies in January 2021.
It is the highest ever incorporation by a single Company Registration Office (CRO), said a press release issued by SECP here on Monday. The SECP Business Center in Islamabad is a well-equipped office to promptly process applications for incorporation of companies. It has improved the overall user experience with a perspective of providing ease of doing business in Pakistan. During the month of January, the SECP registered 2,201 new companies, raising the total number of registered companies to 134,797. Out of new incorporation, 98 percent companies were registered online and around 30 percent applicant’s completed incorporation process in same day. Around 69 percent companies were registered as private limited companies, while around 28 percent were registered as single member companies. –= Agencies