SECP vows to implement measures for regulating financial sector

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: The Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) vowed to implement the measures for regulating financial sector from being used by money launderers and illegal financiers for illicit purposes.
The SECP is committed to follow the measures set out in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards to protect SECP regulation for financial sector, according to annual report 2020 released by the SECP.
The SECP is responsible for ensuring AML/CFT compliance by stockbrokers, commodities brokers, NBFCs and Modarabas, Insurers, corporates and NPO’s.
According to a report, Pakistan Mutual Evaluation Report (MER) was adopted by APG during October 2019, and Pakistan was placed on accelerated follow-up.
SECP has demonstrated significant progress towards fulfilling FATF obligations under the Action Plan, and is an active member of the working group constituted by FMU for this purpose.
In addition, SECP using FATF’s assessment methodology has taken effective measures in addressing ML/TF deficiencies by ensuring “technical” compliance with the FATF Recommendations, as well as the “effectiveness” of the implemented AML/CFT regime, report said.
The SECP is focused on further improving its laws, regulations and directives in order to keep its AML/CFT governance regime aligned with FATF standards. In this regard, a comprehensive exercise is ongoing to remove deficiencies identified in the latest MER of Pakistan.
Significant progress been made with respect to amendments in SECP’s AML/CFT regulatory framework to align it with the FATF standards as well as implementation of international best practices for improving compliance by the regulated sector, SECP informed.
Enhancing laws and mechanisms to address Beneficial Ownership disclosure requirements through amendments in Companies Act 2017, Limited Liability Partnership Act 2017, Companies (Incorporation) Regulations 2017, Companies (General Provisions and Forms) Regulations 2018, Foreign Companies Regulations 2018 and Limited Liability Partnership Regulations 2018. Amendments in SECP AML/CFT Regulations 2018, Revision to AML/CFT Guidelines for NPOs 2018 Dissemination to regulates of updated SECP Guidelines on Anti-Money Laundering, Countering Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation Financing.