Section 144 imposed to curb kite flying

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Following the special directives of Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) from Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, the Islamabad Capital Police initiated a special crackdown against kite sellers and flyers in the federal capital.
During the current year, the Islamabad Capital Police arrested 54 accused involved in such activities and registered 24 cases against them in different police stations for legal proceedings.
Additionally, section 144 is imposed in Islamabad to curb kite flying and activities. The use of strings poses a grave danger to human lives. Kite flying is a dangerous activity that can lead to lifelong disability or even death. The concern is the loss of precious lives due to the use of these strings.
Citizens are urged to keep a close watch on their children and prevent them from engaging in such activities. They are also advised to be vigilant and report any instances of this crime to the relevant police station, through emergency helpline “Pucar-15” or via “ICT-15” app.