Securing a victory over COVID-19

Major infectious disease is the enemy of all. Currently, the COVID-19 outbreak is spreading worldwide, posing enormous threat to lives and health and bringing formidable challenge to global public health security. No country could deal with the crisis alone and the international community needs solidarity and cooperation more than before. While attending the Extraordinary G20 Leaders’ Summit via video link in Beijing on March 26, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech titled “Working Together to Defeat the COVID-19 Outbreak”. Guided by the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind and based on China’s experience in containing COVID-19, the President put forward a series of important proposals for strengthening global cooperation and stabilizing the world economy. The speech injected confidence in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and received warm response from the international community. The Chinese government and Chinese people remained undaunted in the face of the sudden outbreak, and the government always put people’s lives and health first. The country has acted according to the overall principle to stay united to take science-based and targeted measures and fight the epidemic with confidence. It has mobilized the whole nation, set up joint control and treatment mechanisms and acted with openness and transparency, launching a people’s war against the outbreak. The country has put up a strenuous struggle and made tremendous sacrifices. Now the situation in China is moving steadily toward a positive direction, and people’s life and work are quickly returning to normal. The international society believes that China’s forceful measures on controlling COVID-19 have achieved remarkable results, offered useful experience to other countries, and injected hope and power to the globe for a final victory over the pandemic. Viruses respect no borders, and the pandemic is a public enemy. When the disease is exacerbating globally, the international society needs to firm up confidence, stay united and cope with the situation through cooperation, so as to win the war against the major infectious disease. In his speech, Xi introduced Chinese experience, put forward Chinese proposals, raised Chinese initiatives, and made Chinese contributions, which are significant in coordinating global action against COVID-19. The speech projected China’s image as a responsible major country, and injected important energy into conducting global cooperation to contain COVID-19 and boosting market confidence. –PD