Senate Body on Power briefed on promotions, revision of tariff

By Anzil Amin

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Power, Senator Saifullah chaired the meeting of the Committee held at Parliament Lodges, Islamabad on Monday.
The meeting was attended by Senator Sana Jamali, Senator Syed Shibli Faraz, Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee, Senator Prince Ahmed Umar Ahmedzai, Senator Zeeshan Khanzada, Senator Fida Muhammad and senior officers of the Ministry of Energy (Power Division), NEPRA along with all concerned.
The Senate Body was briefed on matters related to promotions from LS-II to Assistant Engineers; revision of tariffs by NEPRA and extension of KAPCO contract upto October 2022. It also took up the matter of actions to be taken up against CEO GHCL , Members of Board of Directors (BODs) GHCL & JPCL related to Independent Inquiry Report of construction and damage of 747MW (GT-14 plant .
The Committee showed serious concern regarding inaction of the BOD regarding action against those involved in the damage of the 747MW (GT-14 plant). Referring to letters that were sent out on 31st March, 2022, with directives of suspending those involved the damage of 747MW Plant, the Committee showed displeasure against non-implementation of instructions and directed the Power Division to take immediate action and submit a compliance report by the End of Business today.
The Senate Body termed the BOD complicit to the massive irregularity and said that the matter must be thoroughly investigated and legal action must be taken against all concerned. The Additional Secretary Ministry of Energy (Power Division) assured the Committee of compliance.
While reviewing the matter of promotion of SEs, LS-II to Assistant Engineer in all DISCOs the Committee was informed that all related procedures, as per GHCL letter dated 09 May, 2022 & 10 May, 2022, it would be complied by all DISCOs by the end of this month. The Committee directed that a Compliance Report must be submitted to the Committee in this regard.
Discussing Chairman NEPRA stance on petition pending before NEPRA for revision of tariff of GENCO-I and an update regarding the recommendation of the Committee for operating the GENCO-I Power Plant on LNG instead of Furnace Oil, the Committee was informed that there were three options RLNG, RFO and Gas. The matter of Circular Debt was taken up and the Ministry of Energy (Power Division) was directed to submit a Circular
Debt Report to the Committee every month.

Regarding extension of the KAPCO contract the Committee enquired the reason for extension and questioned why other options were not explored. The Committee was informed that the KAPCO contract did not incur any maintenance charges and hence it entailed long term profitability essential for the Power Sector.

Chairman Committee, Senator Saifullah Abro directed that all correspondence from date of extension must be submitted to the Committee before the next meeting.