Senior Chinese, US officials hold talks

BEIJING: Senior Chinese and U.S. officials held “candid” and “constructive” talks on bilateral relations in Vienna over the past couple of days. Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, and U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan had “candid, in-depth, substantive and constructive” discussions on bilateral ties on Wednesday and Thursday, according to a statement released by the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Thursday. The two sides held discussions on removing obstacles in China-U.S. relations and stabilizing the relationship from deterioration, said the statement.
Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, “fully” expounded China’s solemn position on the Taiwan question.
The two sides also exchanged views on the situation in the Asia-Pacific region, Ukraine and other international and regional issues of common interest. Both sides agreed to continue to make good use of this strategic communication channel. A readout released by the White House described the bilateral talks as “candid, substantive, and constructive.” –The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item