Senior official urges use of archives in history learning

BEIJING: Senior Communist Party of China (CPC) official Ding Xuexiang called for making full use of historical archives and documents in Party history learning.
Ding, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, made the remarks at an exhibition at the new exhibition venue of the First Historical Archives of China.
Historical archives and documents help with preserving the Party’s history and provide enlightenment to future generations, said Ding. He noted that Party members, young cadres in particular, ought to inherit the Party’s great spirit that is illustrated in these valuable files.
The exhibition was co-hosted by the Central Archives and Xinhua News Agency. More than 500 archives related to notable events and figures in the CPC’s history are featured, half of which are being disclosed to the public for the first time. – Agencies