Seven decades of exceptional friendship between China-Pakistan

By Khalid Taimur Akram

“A friend in need, is a friend indeed’’, On 21 May 1951, Pakistan and China established their diplomatic relations. However, the attachment of true friendship date back to centuries-old trade relations, when Chinese traders travel through thesub-continentfor business trips to Europe, MiddleEast, and the world’s other parts via the ancient Silk Route. Both countries are enjoying strong cordial ties since the commencementof diplomatic relations. The relationship bloomed into an “All-weather cooperative partnership” with many projects of inclusive economic development. 2021 is a year in which China and Pakistan are celebrating the 70thanniversary of everlasting friendship. Seventy years of unprecedented and close bilateral relations are based on mutual respect, trust, harmony, and goodwill between both nations. Cultural exchanges have resulted in enhancing people-to-people contacts. The non-regional powers tried to create many ups and down in both state’s diplomatic and economic partnership. However, they have remained failed to fracture the strong bond between both countries. Therefore, this article aims to highlights the potential contours of the bilateral relations between China and Pakistan. Moreover, the study also gives a brief analysis of the seventy years of mutual cooperative and successful patterns of collaboration between China and Pakistan.
China and Pakistan: Iron Brothers: Pakistan considers China one of the closest partners, and China termed the relationship with Pakistan as Iron Brothers.Both countries have shared weal and woe, established an all-weather friendship and carried out all-round cooperation since the establishment of diplomatic relations.In the past 70 years, both states adhereto some fundamental principles in developing the relationship.In this regard, the contours of the first principle are as follows: Equality, Respects of each other’s sovereignty, integrity and independence. Trust and mutual assistance
The contours of the second principles are as follows: Decision-making based on joint consensus, Approaches of mutual benefits, Win-win cooperation to collectively pursue progress and inclusive development.
The Contour of the third principles are as follows: Close cooperation and coordination in major international and regional issues, ensuring the common interests of the two countries and other developing states.
Under these principles, it is a proud time to witness the China-Pakistan relationship as the model of peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation of countries with different cultures and social systems.China, a rising superpower has left no stone unturned to help its true friends in the time of crisis. The world is multipolar Now. The changing dynamics of global politics and multilateral civilizational patterns have enabled countries to indulged in cooperation and defy orthodox notions of confrontation. In this regard, with the full support of Pakistan, China has emerged as a significant player in regional and international socio-politico and economicdiscourse.
China’s Grand Initiatives under the Incumbent Visionary leadership of China: Role of Pakistan: China is integrating and engaging all countries through its grand visions of cooperation and inclusive economicdevelopment. China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI), its mega flagship project China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and many other potential projects arethe clear manifestation of President Xi Jinping’s integrating visions. These initiatives of grand alignments always acquired full support from Pakistan. Pakistan has remained one of the best allies of China in every leap and bound.
Moreover, China and Pakistan contribute to regional peace and security through the narratives of significantalignments. Inthis regard, Beijing’s exceptional ideas such as ‘Dialogue of Civilizations’ and ‘Building a Community with Shared Future’ are resulting in achieving mutual benefits and prosperity. Therefore, Pakistan is also working closely with China to establish an integrated framework of cooperation and grand regional alignments to find solutionsfor the common challenges. These narratives will definitely bring peace, unite nations, and tackle the issues collectively.
Underpinning the Contours of Inclusive Economic Development: Pakistan-China Integrated Framework: It is a time to recall with pride the collective achievements of China-Pakistan and drawadvanced horizons for taking the truly unique friendship and partnership forward. One of the main essences of this strong bond is an economic partnership. In this new era, CPEC is the major highlight of both countries’ relationships.It has been anticipated that the total Gross Domestic Product(GDP) of Pakistan would be US$ 4.2 trillion by 2050. CPEC covers and cooperate in all the fundamental fields and beyond, such as science & technology, research & development agriculture, economicparadigms, and infrastructure development. As per the official sources, CPEC would bring approximately 700,000 new jobs for Pakistan’s people in many diverse sectors.
-The author is an Executive Director, Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad