Shah doesn’t see Nawaz returning in October

Karachi: Despite the statement made by Shehbaz Sharif, PPP leader Syed Khursheed Shah has said that he does not see PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif returning to Pakistan in October.

On Friday, after meeting his brother in London, Shehbaz had said that after consultations with the party’s senior leadership, it had been decided that Nawaz “will return to Pakistan in October”.

Shehbaz made the statement in response to a question about media reports suggesting that Nawaz would return to Pakistan in mid-October. However, in an interview with a private television channel earlier this month, Shehbaz had said Nawaz would return to Pakistan in September while other senior N-leaguers suggested the same.

Informed sources told that though the elder Sharif was eager to return to Pakistan ahead of the elections, there was still no clear date set.

Party insiders told that Nawaz’s return date was still up in the air, as key developments back home would determine his return to the country, including the retirement of Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial, the status of Nawaz’s pending appeals and a date for elections.

The party leadership fears that Nawaz may be incarcerated upon return, as he has been declared an absconder by the courts, and his appeals are still pending.

Speaking with media on Saturday regarding Nawaz’s homecoming, Shah said, “Nawaz Sharif has no plan to come [to Pakistan] right now. I don’t think so.”

The PPP leader added, “His health is not good, he might not come.”