Shared Children help bring joy to elder folcks

TAIYUAN: In one urban community in northern China, a voluntary service team nicknamed “Shared Children” is working hard to support elderly empty-nesters, gaining in popularity among local residents since it was launched last October.
The 108 volunteers have already made a big difference within the Chaoyang Community, in the Jiancaoping District of Taiyuan, capital of north China’s Shanxi Province. They have paired off with 71 lonely senior citizens to learn about their daily needs and give a helping hand where needed, based on the principle of lasting relationships.
One volunteer named Zhao Yanfei is now the “daughter” of Zhang Meizhen, a local 81-year-old resident. Zhao pays close attention to Zhang’s daily life. “I always come to the community’s pavilion automatically to see if Zhang’s here, as the pavilion is a popular place for the elderly to take a break, and Zhang goes there most mornings and afternoons at fixed hours,” said Zhao.
“If I don’t see her there one day, I will worry about her safety and health, and visit her home to see whether she feels sick or needs any help,” Zhao explained. The Chaoyang Community is typical of the aging communities found in Chinese cities. One third of the 6,077 residents from 2,271 households in the community are aged over 60, and many senior citizens have children working in other places. –Agencies