‘Shelling Azerbaijani cities means shelling Turkish cities’

DM Monitoring

Ankara: Armenia shelling Azerbaijani cities means Turkish cities are being shelled, columnist of Turkey’s Sozcu online newspaper Yilmaz Ozdil wrote.
The columnist said that since Azerbaijani cities are twin cities to those of Turkey, shelling them means shelling of Turkish cities.
He pointed out that in general, 20 cities of Azerbaijan are twin cities to those in Turkey.
On October 11, 2020, at about 2:00 (GMT+4) Armenian Armed Forces fired missiles at multi-apartment residential buildings in the central part of Ganja, the second largest city of Azerbaijan, located outside the frontline zone. As a result, 10 civilians were killed, 35 injured, as well as more than 10 multi-storey buildings and over 100 different objects were damaged.
Armenian Armed Forces launched a large-scale military attack on positions of the Azerbaijani army on the front line, using large-caliber weapons, mortars, and artillery on Sept. 27.
Azerbaijan responded with a counter-offensive along the entire front. As a result of retaliation, Azerbaijani troops liberated a number of territories previously occupied by Armenia, as well as take important, strategic heights under control.
The fighting continued into October 2020, in the early days of which Armenia has launched missile attacks on Azerbaijani cities of Ganja, Mingachevir, Khizi as well as Absheron district.
Following almost two weeks of intensive military confrontations, Armenia and Azerbaijan, with Russia’s mediation, have agreed on a temporary ceasefire for humanitarian purposes, for exchange of prisoners of war as well as bodies of the dead.
The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan.
As a result of the ensuing war, Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.
The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations.