Sherry raises question on not calling Joint Session for Kashmir

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: Parliamentary Leader of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) in the Senate, Senator Sherry Rehman has said, “We were expecting that a special session of the Parliament would be held to express solidarity with our Kashmiri brothers and sisters on Black Day but shockingly this government did not think that it is important to have one. Addressing a press conference here on Tuesday, she said, “When it comes to matters of national importance and security, we all are on the same page. During PPP’s tenure, we held a joint session for Kashmir. But this namaloom sarkar is least bothered. The parliament is just being used for their own ulterior motives. Our parliament is being insulted and bulldozed by this tabahi sarkar. Sherry Rehman said, When they wanted to pass draconian laws in the disguise of FATF, regular joint sessions were called. Then why not for Kashmir? It would have given a strong statement to the world. We spent three months working on FATF laws with our experts for the greater good of our country and people. PPP knows how to get it done as we have removed Pakistan from the grey list before also but this government was all about theatrics. It is shocking that they are applauding each other despite being on the grey list.
ICRG has also recommended that Pakistan be retained on the grey list, given its failure to completely implement the 27-point action plan. The government is so busy focusing on jailing opposition politicians that they are not focusing on other serious issues like taking the parliament in confidence and removing Pakistan from the grey list,†she added.
The PPP Parliamentary Leader in Senate said, “It is not the opposition’s job but despite that all of us are standing together to give hope to our country. Instead of addressing serious issues like inflation, high food prices, new polio cases, circular debt, load shedding, gas shortage and increased medicine prices; taqseem sarkar is keeping people distracted by their circus
There is an anticipated shortage of wheat this year in the wake of a shortfall in the output. Wheat and sugar are being hoarded and PM’s cronies are benefitting but NAB is just reserved for the opposition. Pakistan was made completely wheat-secure by the last PPP government. When asked about the wheat shortage, PM appears clueless.