Sherry Rehman urges prioritising Climate Action

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Climate Change Senator Sherry Rehman represented Pakistan at the 4th Meeting of the Heads of the Ministers and Agencies of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states responsible for Environmental Protection organized virtually by India.
During the meeting, Minister Rehman emphasized the critical role that the SCO could play at the regional level in achieving shared goals related to environmental sustainability and climate resilience.
She also highlighted the value of the SCO as a forum for member states to share their perspectives on this existential crisis that is now redefining glob-al, regional and national priorities and responses in the 21st century.
Minister Rehman said, “The sustainability of life on earth and the overall so-cio-economic development of current and future generations are now under threat.
We all agree that constructive cooperation on bold climate and envi-ronmental issues is critical to actively move the needle and bridge the gap between the pledges and pipelines that we all make multilaterally, as well as the gap between ambitions and actions.”
Minister Rehman drew attention to Pakistan’s unique position as one of the ten most vulnerable countries to climate change, despite contributing less than 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions. –Agencies