Shibli urges international community to implement UN resolutions on Kashmir

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Information and Broadcasting Senator Shibli Faraz Friday urged the international organizations and human rights bodies to play their role and get implemented the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions granting Kashmiris their right to self-determination.
He was speaking here as a chief guest at a photographic and painting exhibition arranged by the Directorate of Electronic Media and Publications in collaboration with the National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day.
The minister said it was unfortunate that the international organizations showed double standards and did not raise an effective voice against the Indian atrocities in the occupied Kashmir. The observance of Kashmir Solidarity Day at the international level was part of the peaceful movement of Kashmiris, he added.

We are reminding the international community that without resolving the Kashmir issue there can be no guarantee of peace in the region. Any catastrophe because of this dispute will not only affect this region but the whole world.â€
He said on the Day Pakistanis expressed solidarity with their Kashmiri brothers not just in Pakistan but across the world.
The Kashmiris had given their lives to get freedom from India, and observing the solidarity day was an acknowledgement that they (Kashmiris) stood up for their basic rights, for freedom from the oppression and against violation of human rights and non-implementation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions, he added.
The minister said India revoked articles 35 and 370 of its constitution on August 5, 2019 and after that Kashmiris reinforced their struggle against the Indian occupation. For the last 18 months, he added, the Kashmiris had given immense sacrifices for their freedom from India which had turned the occupied Kashmir into a large jail.
Prime Minister Imran Khan had effectively and logically raised his voice at the international forums for the Kashmir cause, he said, adding the Indian forces had unleashed a reign of terror, abducted the youth and dishonoured the women in IIOJk. The silence of international human rights organizations on atrocities was a big question mark, he said. The Kashmiris. who had waged a peaceful struggle for the last seven decades for their freedom and basic legal rights, were badly mistreated by the present Indian government, he remarked.

The Kashmiri brothers and sisters lived in the hearts of Pakistani people, he said, adding the speeches of Prime Minister Imran Khan had highlighted the Kashmir issue at the international level and infused a new spirit in the Kashmir movement. The minister said the people of Pakistan stood with their Kashmiri brothers and the solidarity day being observed here was a reflection of their sentiments. Pakistan would continue to give its moral, political and diplomatic support to its Kashmiris, he added.