Sindh Assembly approves Rs3 trillion budget amid Opp protests

—— MQM submitted over 1,200 motions to cut various budgetary demands, all of which were rejected by a majority vote

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: The Sindh Assembly on Friday approved a provincial budget worth Rs3.056 trillion for the new financial year and a Sindh Finance Bill valued at Rs76 billion. The opposition did not vote in favour of the budget.
Opposition leader demanded the inclusion of their amendments in the Sindh Finance Bill. However, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah responded that they had a 14-day period to present amendments, which had passed. This rejection led opposition members to protest by standing up, tearing copies of the Finance Bill, and walking out of the assembly.
The MQM submitted over 1,200 motions to cut various budgetary demands, all of which were rejected by a majority vote. PTI-backed members did not submit any motions and remained present during the approval of the Sindh Finance Bill.
The Sindh government’s budget for the next financial year totals Rs3.056 trillion, with over Rs900 billion allocated for development projects. During the assembly session chaired by Speaker Syed Owais Qadir Shah, opposition members presented cut motions against various budgetary demands, which were all rejected.
Chief Minister Shah addressed the opposition’s concerns, stating that the assembly’s budget demands were related to members’ salaries and essential expenditures. When the budgetary demands for the Governor and Chief Minister’s Secretariat were presented, opposition members protested against the Chief Minister’s Secretariat expenses. These cut motions were also rejected by a majority vote.
MQM member Muzaffar Amir proposed cuts to unnecessary expenses for the Chief Minister’s Secretariat garden and gifts. Shah explained that the garden hosted official events and gifts, such as traditional Sindhi Ajrak and caps, were for visiting guests.
The opposition also opposed the budget allocated for the maintenance of the Chief Minister’s Secretariat building, citing unnecessary expenses. Shah defended these expenses as essential for official functions and maintenance.
Proposals to cut funds for new vehicles for the Chief Minister’s House were also rejected. Shah noted that no new vehicles had been purchased for seven years and existing vehicles were a decade old, necessitating new ones for staff.
The Sindh Assembly approved the Finance Bill, which includes Rs37 billion for Excise and Taxation, Rs22 billion for the Sindh Revenue Board, and Rs17 billion for the Board of Revenue Stamp Duty. The budget also approved Rs959 billion for development expenditures and projected total revenue of Rs3 trillion, with 62% from federal transfers and 22% from provincial collections.
The assembly sanctioned Rs22 billion for current capital, Rs334 billion, and Rs77 billion for the PSDP. It also approved Rs662 billion in provincial collections, including Rs350 billion from sales tax on services, Rs269 billion in GST, and Rs42.9 billion in non-tax revenue.
The Sindh Assembly concluded the session after approving the budget, which includes Rs1.96 trillion in current revenue, Rs184 billion in current capital, Rs42 billion for debt repayment, and Rs142.5 billion for government investments.