Sindh Governor House to be opened for public from Sept 7

KARACHI: Sindh Governor Imran Ismail announced to open the gates of the official residence to the public from September 7.

“The building of Governor House is historic and it has rare artifacts,” he said while speaking to the media.
The governor said that the public would not only be able allowed to walk in its spacious garden but also be permitted to enter the historic building.
Responding to a question, the governor said that, after taking charge of his position, he has been using only two rooms of the official residence and only one government vehicle unlike the protocol of previous governors which included 40 cars.
The Sindh governor said that the public would be allowed to enter the premises from Gate 1 after formal identification.
Following the win in the recent general election, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf said it would take austerity measures to curb excessive expenditures and promised to end the VVIP culture of government functionaries.
The party’s nominated governors in Sindh and Punjab, Ismail and Chaudhry Sarwar, have also promised to use the minimum resources for themselves from the government expenditure.
Prime Minister Imran Khan, after taking the oath, did not shift to the PM House but rather chose to settle in the Military Secretary’s residence.