Sindh govt decides to publicize insights of Coronavirus fund to ensure transparency

KARACHI: Spokesman of the Sindh government Murtaza Wahab on Tuesday said that the citizens have contributed an amount of Rs 74 million in the provincial coronavirus fund. In a video message issued Tuesday, Murtaza Wahab said that the government has decided to public details of the funds in order to ensure transparency in its use. “All details of the fund have been uploaded on the website of Sindh finance department,” he said adding that it shows the details of the amount received and the expenditure incurred. The spokesman said that Sindh government has earmarked Rs 3 billion for the coronavirus fund. “We are thankful to the philanthropists and all those who donated in the fund,” he said. It is pertinent to mention here that Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah on Tuesday confirmed that 16 more people have recovered from the COVID-19 in Karachi.