SIUT to set up robotic surgery unit in Sukkur

KARACHI: Director Sindh Institute of Urology and
Transplantation (SIUT) Professor Adib Rizvi has said that the institute will
soon establish a robotic surgery unit at its Chablani Medical Center at
Sukkur. The decision to set up the unit was conveyed by him in a
communication to the Chief Minister of Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah. The
proposed unit likely to start functioning by the end of next month.

Director SIUT reminded the Sindh Chief Minister in his communication that in
line with the policy “SIUT firmly believes in extending its clinical
facilities to the remote parts of the province so that population living in
far flung areas can avail state of the art modern surgical facilities at
their door step”.

SIUT is already running a full-fledged hospital in Sukkur called Chablani
Medical Center. The first free robotic surgery department and training
center of SIUT was inaugurated by Murad Ali Shah in in Karachi recent weeks.
Robotic surgery has been described as the “surgery of the future” in the
world of medical sciences. The surgery has already gained momentum in the
developed world. It has some redeeming salient features as it leaves little
surgical scars, less loss of blood, and limited stay of the patient at the

The robotic unit of SIUT Karachi has already performed over 1000 surgeries
during the past few months. All surgeries and treatment at SIUT is provided
free with dignity. -Agencies