Smearing won’t deny China’s concrete human rights progress

BEIJING: At the 44th session of UN Human Rights Council, the United States and some other Western countries once again attacked China over what they claim human rights abuses, which have been categorically rejected by dozens of other nations.
Those Western countries’ human rights platitude this time is as groundless as those they made before, if not more, and further unveils their deep-rooted egotism and prejudice towards China.
However, China’s human rights progress in recent decades is too substantive to be denied or distorted.
Those with clear eyes will not miss China’s all-out poverty reduction efforts, which decreased impoverished population from 98.99 million to 5.51 million between 2012 and 2019.
“The world already recognizes, or should recognize, what tremendous progress China has made with poverty down by more than two-thirds in the last five years,” David Beasley, executive director of the World Food Programme, said on the sidelines of the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos.
Those with unbiased minds will not mistake China’s counterterrorism efforts in Xinjiang for human rights abuses. That is because they know a safe, stable and prosperous Xinjiang is fundamental to the protection of human rights. According to statistics, from 1990 to the end of 2016, separatist, terrorist and extremist forces launched thousands of terrorist attacks in Xinjiang, killing a large number of innocent civilians and hundreds of police officers, and causing considerable damage to property.
With decisive law-based anti-terror and de-radicalization measures, Xinjiang has not seen violent terrorist incidents for three years in a row, and the rights to life and happiness of all ethnic groups there have now been well safeguarded.
And those with caring hearts will not ignore China’s human rights achievements in the fight against COVID-19.
Since the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Chinese government has upheld the spirit of putting human lives first, taken rigorous measures to contain the disease, and done what it can to help those who are struggling to weather the pandemic. The journal Science reported in April that the measures imposed by China during the outbreak’s first 50 days may have prevented more than 700,000 infections across the country.
Yet the irony is that when those China hawks in Washington once again pointed their accusing fingers at Beijing, the skyrocketing pandemic infections and deaths, as well as the burning protests over racial discrimination in the United States have exposed the true and deteriorating human rights situation back in their own yards.
It is now crystal clear that those anti-China Western political opportunists should do some immediate soul-searching on human rights protection, the very topic on which they are so used to lecturing others.– Agencies