Some parts of Twitter Source Code leaked

DM Monitoirng

CALIFORNIA: Some parts of the source code which is the foundation of the world’s richest man Elon Musk’s social me-dia platform Twitter were made public online and he is seeking information about the person responsible for this.
The code was made public Monday on a Microsoft-based service GitHub where software developers usually share the codes. The code has been removed upon the request of Twitter. Elon Musk has also separately said that his company is not worth it when he bought it — which is less than half the $44 billion. He indicated that his company’s worth stands at $20 billion. Github spokesperson told BBC that “GitHub does not generally comment on decisions to remove content. However, in the interest of transparency, we share every DMCA [Digital Millennium Copyright Act] take-down request publicly.”

DMCA is a law signed in 1998 in the US which protects copyright material online. Twitter also asked GitHub to share the information of the account holder FreeSpeechEnthusiast — responsible for the leak.

According to the legal filings on March 24 a California-based social media platform, it asked the District Court for the Northern District of California to order Github to present “All identifying information” associated with the person be-hind the leak.

Twitter noted that it infringed the copyrights of the company. It has become a new challenge for billionaire Elon Musk who had fired half of its staff and also witnessed the withdrawal of advertisers.

CEO of Twitter and Tesla Musk was quoted as saying: “I see a clear, but difficult, path to a >$250B valuation,” which suggests a more than tenfold increase in Twitter’s valuation. –Agencies